Puzzled By Throttle Position...
A recommendation and a puzzle. Looking at a 912 ULS yesterday, I noticed that the throttle cables were safety wired to the adjusters on top of the carbs. I assume that is to prevent lost motion in the event that the cable stretched or was badly adjusted. I looked at my 912 iS today and thought; should I do the same thing?
Some people put a “b - nut” on the cable as a stop in case someone pulls too hard on the throttle and something slips. That potentially also leaves the cable outer cover “slack” and maybe it too could move in the adjuster. So I was wondering about safety wiring the throttle cable into the adjuster just to be sure.
The puzzlement is the behaviour of the start position widget in my Dynon EFIS. I thought it shows ECU CAN bus throttle position. When the throttle is closed, the widget reports throttle position as 15%. I guess this wold be a bare idle and it’s certainly lower than recommended minimum. However, when I push the throttle in, the widget reports 100% when I still have about an inch of travel left and the valve is at least 1/4 inch from the wide open stop. I would have thought 100% means on the stop.
What is going on here? Is the throttle valve position not accurate? Does the ECU use the throttle position for calculation? Is the size of the throttle body such that it’s over large? Is this some sort of altitude effect?