

Hi all

We finally installed a water thermostat in a plane with 912 iS. According to the operating manual the operating interval is 90-110 degrees Celsius. (194-230F)

The thermostat we got (from the airplane manufacture) is opening at 85C (185F). That means it will keeps the temperature around 82-83C (180-181F).
I would really like it to be > 90C but according to the manufacture, this is the only thermostat available.
The oil temperature is around the same, perhaps a little lower. My guess is, that it will be higher if the water temperature is higher.

My question is. Is it okay to run with 82-83C or should I try to look for a thermostat opening at >90C ?


Kind regards, Claus

  • Re: Water thermostat temperature

    by » 5 years ago

    Many planes are constructed without a thermostat at all.

    The thermostat is there to speed up the initial heating of the engine to get you to >50°C as quickly as possible.

    Once the thermostat opens the actual temperature is determined by the dozen variables of the cooling system, Radiator size, Air-flow, ambient temperature, engine power, etc.

    If you normally fly at cruise near 5000 rpm you just are not making a lot of heat.

    Try flying closer to 5500 rpm.

    >80°C  is fine.  If it makes you feel better, try blocking off a portion of the radiator.


    Bill Hertzel
    Rotax 912is
    North Ridgeville, OH, USA
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    Thank you said by: Claus Mortensen

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