

  • Re: I'm a little confused whether the propeller shaft SB applies

    by » 12 months ago


    Engine serial numbers are assigned, in the old days, by a batch.  That is they held a large range of serials open and anything say starting with a 440XXXX to 445XXXX would be as an example a certified 100 HP S version.  There would also be a range for the UL versions and a different range for the 914 versions and so on.  Given the past 30 years of production of the 9 series it became an issue and starting late last year or early this they had to go from a 7 digit number system to an 8 digit. With this switch they then started to go to all consecutive numbers with no gaps in holding a range open.  Its a bookkeeping thing 


    Thank you said by: Jonathan

  • Re: I'm a little confused whether the propeller shaft SB applies

    by » 12 months ago

    All...an additional note.  if your engine has an eight digit serial it is going to have a red serial tag also.  This even applies to UL version engines, the black tag will not be used any longer on the UL series.  The tags will have the engine type clearly shown as well as the serial and relevant data as to power also.  


  • Re: I'm a little confused whether the propeller shaft SB applies

    by » 12 months ago

    Rotax Wizard wrote:


    Engine serial numbers are assigned, in the old days, by a batch.  That is they held a large range of serials open and anything say starting with a 440XXXX to 445XXXX would be as an example a certified 100 HP S version.  There would also be a range for the UL versions and a different range for the 914 versions and so on.  Given the past 30 years of production of the 9 series it became an issue and starting late last year or early this they had to go from a 7 digit number system to an 8 digit. With this switch they then started to go to all consecutive numbers with no gaps in holding a range open.  Its a bookkeeping thing 


    Wow!  Just going through this myself.  I don't even have the engine on the plane yet!  There should be an SB sent out to all owners explaining the SN change so we aren't blown away by this!

  • Re: I'm a little confused whether the propeller shaft SB applies

    by » 12 months ago

    hi Greg.  

    The serial change, from batch allocation to consecutive numbers, occurred some time ago.  It has been a non-issue up to this point and nobody has noted this.  It seems a bit odd that there was no real announcement as at the time it seen as purely an administrative change for bookwork.  Tracking and changes are still done by looking at both the engine serial and the serial of the part if it has one.  Perhaps Rotax Owner can make a short video and show everyone?  I guess we can ask.  

    On that note you should also check your prop shaft serial as some people may have had a shaft change in the past while and have an affected propshaft in an old engine.  This is why the shaft serials are also important.  On a good note this was a batch problem of the later parts and has no effect on the older versions.  Just watch the serials. On certified it is required to always track the serial of the part removed and record in the log and work order the serial of the new part installed.  This is always the best practice even if you have a homebuilt experimental. 


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