


What is the actual gear teeth count for 915 engine giving the ratio 1:2.54?

For 912/914 it was 51:21 for 1:2.43 and 50:22 for 1:2.27 but what is it for 915/916?

  • Re: 915iS gearbox gear teeth count

    by » 5 months ago

    Hi Stefan

    All the manuals only tell you the ratio, 2.54/1

    There is no other ratio for this gearbox, it is completely different from the 912/914 type.  


  • Re: 915iS gearbox gear teeth count

    by » 5 months ago

    Hi RW

    Thanks for your answer, but it was the reason I have asked that question on this forum. I have looked trough MML. MMH. OM and IM docs and did not find the answer. Personally I bet on 56:22 but I own 912UL and did not have a chance to physical count the teeth... So I though that maybe someone from this forum had done that, already. Anyway, the root reason was just my curiosity, not a real tech problem.


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