

I know there are a few 915s that have hit TBO and I assume they were overhauled. Can anyone here give some experience with how it went, what all they overhauled / replaced, and roughly the costs? I’m concerned with he 1200hr TBO. I typically fly 200-250 hrs per year, so 1200hr comes pretty fast. 

  • Re: 915IS Overhaul Experience and Costs

    by » 2 years ago

    Just asking:

    Why not go "on condition" inspections? In the US it is perfectly legal from the FAA? Two documents from FAA legal department in 2011 and 2013 say so.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: 915IS Overhaul Experience and Costs

    by » 2 years ago

    Very true. Is there a conditional inspection guide? I’m a fan of the Mike Bush approach to TBO, I’m just not as familiar with what might go wrong long term w/ a 915. Are there specific areas of concern? In my IO550N-TAT there are life limited parts to replace since they often wouldn’t show wear until they break (VBand clamps on the exhaust, mags, etc).  

  • Re: 915IS Overhaul Experience and Costs

    by » 2 years ago

    I agree life limited parts are different. When I flew helicopters there was always some time limited part that needed replacement.

    For everyday normal things:

    Every mechanic and every owner should be using the Line Maint. manual checklist for inspections and not only for the engine, but for the fuselage too. I come from a medical back round and the courts and lawyers say if you didn't document it you didn't do it. Since day one when I started to do Rotax maint. I have always printed out the checklist, filled it out and anything I touch, tweak, torque or change I annotate that in the margins. I do the same for the fuselage. These are given to the aircraft owner to keep. This way no matter what mechanic or other owner looks for information it's right there and you can see if trends are happening. Plus this keeps your resale value up and helps protect your from liability if someone like the FAA, insurance company or the court says you didn't do something. It also helps keep your re-sale value up. Plus I do annual oil sample checks after the engine gets some time on it.

    So the bottom line is never just put a three liner logbook comment in the logbook. Plus if you use the term IAW "in accordance with) that says you did everything on that checklist and 95% of the time that isn't true and easy to prove in court. My logbook labels are #9 font typed and a full page (logbook page) long. Remember if you touched it, tweaked it or changed it say so.

    So from now on do good documentation in and out of the logbook. It protects you and it's your on condition documentation.

    I once had a Rotax service center tell me my logbook label and documentation was over kill. I told them to quit striving to be average and strive to be a cut above. Way too much average around. Their logbook labels were three liners and terrible. It isn't hard to be better you just have to take the other path. ?

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: 915IS Overhaul Experience and Costs

    by » 2 years ago

    I completely agree with you on proper inspection and documentation on the engine and airframe. I’ve always done an oil analysis every oil change to track trends and spare no expense for maintenance. However, if the TBO applies to tihngs like the crankshaft that are impractical to inspect then there will be a point when a tear down is required.  Roger have you done or seen an overhaul of a 915? Or just IRAN? Do people just send them back to the factory or are there local (US) shops that can do it?

  • Re: 915IS Overhaul Experience and Costs

    by » 2 years ago

    I personally don't know anyone that has gotten to TBO on a 915. There are Rotax service centers in the US that can do TBO work.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

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