

  • Re: Buds log viewer

    by » 3 weeks ago

    Thanks, Wizard.  The training page at rotaxflyingclub.com is identical to the page that I saw at rotaxirmt.com.  Unfortunately, there's no syllabus there for a course -- or series of courses -- leading to an iRMT certificate, and none of the course descriptions say that they award that certificate upon graduation.  So, it's still a mystery.

    Is the log viewer class that you're talking about the same one that I found at Motive.aero?

    https://motive.aero/courses  (see the Feb 19th class)

    Must we have an iRMT certificate and take that $1,000 class to get access to the software that unlocks our BUDS log data?


  • Re: Buds log viewer

    by » 3 weeks ago

    The logic is that unless you understand the engine, to at least the familiarization and Service level, you would not have enough background to follow the programs.  

    When you are on the RFSC site you will find the training outline and what it all covers.  By definition the training is Rotax iRMT authorized as long as you successfully complete it and the exams at the end.  The very detailed description, if you require more, is found in a Rotax Service Letter on the subject. 

    The RFSC training classes have been approved to combine certain aspects of the training given the core engine is basically the same.  Oil changes are common for example, inspection protocols are very similar and the various engine types can be shown together.  In that way training is covered for the carbureted engines and the injected versions.  I see you are in the west coast however you can take the training from any of the training centers.  There is also a distributor in Canada, in British Colombia, that offers training.  All teach to the same standard.  All issue the same iRMT ratings.  Prices vary depending on where they are as those are set by the individual training centres.



    SL-2ST-011,SL-912-019,SL-912 i-008,SL-914-017 Information on the globally standardized iRMT training program for ROTAX Aircraft Engines 0 0 06.03.2017 277 UL,447 UL,503 UL,505,505 A,535 A,535 B,535 C,582 UL,618 UL,912 A,912 F,912 S,912 iS,912 iSc SPORT,912 iS SPORT,914 F,914 UL d06389.pdf

  • Re: Buds log viewer

    by » 3 weeks ago

    Any idea when the one in British Columbia will be offered (easiest location from Seattle since it's just a 2-day), or when the others will have it? Motive class currently full.

  • Re: Buds log viewer

    by » 3 weeks ago

    Josh Chamberlain wrote:

    Any idea when the one in British Columbia will be offered (easiest location from Seattle since it's just a 2-day), or when the others will have it? Motive class currently full.

    Here is contact information for the BC, Canada distributor:


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