

  • Re: Rotax 912iS 2Sport

    by » 4 weeks ago

    There's a guy on the RV-12 forum on Vans Air Force that successfully fixed a leaking radiator using a cut/seal/weld method.  He first found the leak by submersing the radiator in water and looking for bubbles.  Then he used a Dremel cutoff wheel to cut a corner off of each side of the radiator, plugged both sides of the leaking capillary tube with JB Weld epoxy, and hired a radiator repair shop to weld the corners back on.  His solution worked well, and others have followed his lead and even decided to make this fix permanent rather than buy a new radiator once they're available.  This method does reduce the cooling performance of the radiator slightly (once less capillary tube), but apparently not enough to be noticeable.  

  • Re: Rotax 912iS 2Sport

    by » 3 weeks ago


    I have followed the recommendation.

    I will try to find someone to weld the covers back on soon.

    Thank you very much.


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