

When using 100LL for the rotax 912, it is recommended that oil be changed frequently due the build-up of lead damaging the engine. While it is ideal to change oil every 25 hours, it does become somewhat of a hazzle taking off the upper and lower cowling to change the oil and filter. What are your thoughts in providing a quick-drain for oil and changing oil filter every 50 hours? Anyone deviced a way to change the oil more often without taking off the lower and upper cowling to do this?

What are your thougts on changing the oil every 25 hours using the quick-drain and the filter every 50 hours?
  • Re: Oil Change

    by » 14 years ago

    Doing my 25 hour inspection now on my RV-12. Installed a quick drain on bottom of tank. I hope to be able to reach in and connect a drain hose, and also change the filter with only the upper cowl off.

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