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  • Re: 25 Hour Carb Inspections

    by » 10 years ago

    Hi Dave,

    You can definitely see the one float starting to sink in your picture. At this point I would bet you didn't have any symptoms of carb flooding yet? You really should replace these as sets because they want any of the bad float sets from the same casting batch to be gone, otherwise you may be doing this all over again with the next float. There is no way to know which float will sink and which won't. So if you find a bad float just replace both..

    Everyone that has a bad float set should make sure to fill out a CSIR and send it in along with the bad float set to your distributor as described in the bulletin in section 2.2

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: 25 Hour Carb Inspections

    by » 10 years ago

    You are correct about no symptoms of carb flooding. Engine runs fine as best as I can tell. First start was this past February so the floats have seen gasoline for 9 months. Engine has a total of 125 hours at this point in time. I asked about the single float replacement as Lockwood sells then individually. As you can see I'm very close to the 7 gram weight. I think it is just a matter of time before I get there.....
    Other than this the engine has been a jewel!

    Hi Dave,

    You can definitely see the one float starting to sink in your picture. At this point I would bet you didn't have any symptoms of carb flooding yet? You really should replace these as sets because they want any of the bad float sets from the same casting batch to be gone, otherwise you may be doing this all over again with the next float. There is no way to know which float will sink and which won't. So if you find a bad float just replace both..

    Everyone that has a bad float set should make sure to fill out a CSIR and send it in along with the bad float set to your distributor as described in the bulletin in section 2.2

  • Re: 25 Hour Carb Inspections

    by » 10 years ago

    My plane now has 50 hours on it and has had its second inspection in 6 weeks. We had to replace one set of floats at the last inspection.

    Since my dealer is at least two flight hours away (4+ round trip), I am spending 16-20 percent of my total flight time getting the floats inspected. I have been flying on average 200 hours per year. I would normally have 100 hour inspections which at 4 hours round trip, is 4% of my flying for inspections.

    Has anyone had a successful warranty claim processed?

    I realize it takes some time to get replacement parts, but Rotax should be providing weekly updates regarding progress and proposed timeframes.


  • Re: 25 Hour Carb Inspections

    by » 10 years ago

    FYI guys I called Bing and was told they have solved the problems and new floats will be out in about a month...cost will be 10% higher.

  • Re: 25 Hour Carb Inspections

    by » 10 years ago

    I ask again: where is the syringe kit? Whether it is a good method or not for figuring out float issues, Rotax issued a legal notice that calls for the use of that kit, and then got very quiet about its availability. No news. Nothing. Just silence.

    And even this website published a fancy video that shows the "syringe" technique, but has provided absolutely no information about how to get the kit. Again, silence. Just reference to Rotax part numbers that do not exist.

    Is this acceptable? Seems like Rotax was quick to impose strict guidelines for checking floats on users, but has provided absolutely no support for those requirements. None. No syringe kits, no information about efforts to correct the floats, nothing. Where are the weekly updates? Where are the promises about providing warranty replacement floats? Just silence. Very frustrating.

    I hope this causes Rotax to lose market share. The float-check requirements are nothing but a legal tactic to transfer all responsibility for the defective floats to the users. Having done that, Rotax appears to be in no rush to fix the problem, or support its users during the interim. Not good.

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