

I am coming up on my 200 hour 912ULS engine inspection/service. One of the Rotax scheduled items is carburetor removal and disassembly and inspection. My engine has been running flawlessly since it was new two years ago and I really am resisting removing and completely disassembling two flawlessly functioning carburetors. I think there is more chance of introducing a problem during this process than just leaving them in place and doing a thorough external inspection along with float bowl removal and of course checking sync and idle. I would much rather leave this invasive diassembly until say 400 hours, or if a possible carb related issue starts developing. I say "if it aint broke don't try to fix it".

If I don't follow this part of the scheduled maintenance will my warrenty be void? What is the opinion of others on this forum, Roger?
  • Re: 200 Carb Inspection

    by » 10 years ago

    Hi James,

    This is a tough one for some. Me included. I know what the book wants, but have never seen an issue at the first, second or third 200 hour marks. Both hourly time and just simple age all play a part. For no more than the inspection is I'm in the boat for leaving it alone unless it has a lot of hours or age or shows some signs or symptoms of an issue. Worst thing I have seen in these is an "O" ring showing signs of cracking. I'm a believer in if you remove a part with an "O" ring you might as well and should replace them after you disturb them so for me that would be part of the inspection. With the huge majority of 912's not doing this there is good long history that it isn't a big issue not doing it.

    I'm sure there will be lots of people on both sides of the fence and all will have good reasons and that's okay with me. Some will be very adamant that it be done. It's like Chevy's and Ford's. We tend to like one, but not the other, but they both get you there. One side of the fence or the other. It's in the inspection manual, but in the end you'll have to make up your own mind and live with that decision.

    Now I'll have to sit back and wiat for the other side to beat me up some. ;)

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

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