Carb Sync above 3500 RPM?
Have been synchronizing my carbs with a dual manifold pressure gauge. As per Roger Lees advice, I sync at 3500RPM, and my idle speed is set between 1800/1900 rpm.
Last night, after completing the sync, I brought the RPM up to 4000 and my sync was off a tiny bit. (two needle width).
Have never done, nor tried, to sync above 3500 RPM. Have always thought that if it was bang on from 3500 and below that the higher RPMs would be fine as well.
Is this normal? Should I be concerned?
Anyway, I would also like to thank everyone on this form for being such an invaluable learning tool for maintaining my engine.
Special thanks to Roger Lee and Rob Seaton who always go above and beyond to help everyone!!
Thanks again
Ron Lalonde
Debert, Nova Scotia