

As a new owner of a 912 powered airplane I attempted to register the engine on line.

One of the first steps requires acknowledgeing the typical disclaimer form there is however, no "accept" button or link to indicate you have read the form and are accepting. Anyone else tried this yet?
  • Re: No "accept" button on line registration

    by » 8 years ago

    There IS a tickbox, but it is not on the 'disclaimer' page, it is on the first page of the engine registration form. Unfortunately, this tickbox can appear nearly invisible on some browsers. This problem is exacerbated on flat panel monitors, as the contrast can fade dramatically with just a few degrees change in viewing angle. If you load the page again, and then try moving your head a couple of inches lower or higher from your usual viewing position, you will probably be able to make it out.

    I have highlighted the tickbox's location in the second picture down on our 'engine registration walk-though' blog post. ( http://www.rotax-owner.com/en/rotax-blog/item/50-online-ac-engine-reg ) .

    Also, I strongly recommend using the Chrome browser for filling in the web registration form.
    MS-edge & MS-IE browsers are quite buggy on this (and many other things).

    PS: I am not able to make any fixes to the registration app, because it is hosted in Austria on a server that I cannot make any edits to. Last week I advised the Austrian web team to make the tickbox more obvious - and also try to implement a workaround for buggy Microsoft web browsers, but it being the Christmas holidays, it appears they have not been available to work on it. Moral of story - don't release new web apps the week before Christmas?

  • Re: No "accept" button on line registration

    by » 8 years ago

    I did eventually find it, many thanks for the quick response.

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