

  • Re: Oil tank below engine

    by » 6 years ago

    It's good you are asking the community. Think about the heat cycles the exhaust goes through in a normal flight and you will not want the muffler connected directly to the engine.
    It has to be able to expand and contract, and be isolated from the inherent vibrations coming from a piston engine.
    There are a lot of poor exhaust systems out there, so best to copy a successful one.
    Anyone have a good example for a pusher config?

    Thank you said by: Eugene Klimenko

  • Re: Oil tank below engine

    by » 6 years ago

    This is what I was told:

    When I am all done with my engine cowling 100% of engine cooling air will go through water cooler and oil cooler first, and will be preheated before entering carburetors. No carb ice possible. So, airbox not doing anything for your situation and can be replaced with 2 small standard filters. Engine cowling will act as large plenum/preheater.
    1404939.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)

  • Re: Oil tank below engine

    by » 6 years ago

    That is Bad advice. They would not tell you that if they had extensive Rotax 9-series tech support & accident investigation experience
    In my opinion, if we could go back in time, the airbox should have been mandatory for the 100hp. A few OEM's would have been very unhappy, at first, but it would prevent so many problems.
    Airbox advantages:
    Carbs cant get pitched off (see below for contributing factors)
    Better starting characteristics, prevent sprag failure by stabilizing the carbs. shaking carbs in many aircraft with weak mounts, such as many amphibs, have caused much grief.
    Ideal connection for float bowl vent. this is very important.
    Vent tube inside airbox is perforated so that any fuel in airbox is drained but the vent line is not exposed to vacuum/pressure (from slipstream or wherever the drain hose is routed)
    Less strain on the carbs sockets: You do not have to perform SB-912-030 "carb socket inspection" with a airbox properly mounted.
    Drip trays built in.
    Carb heat
    Help equalize and smoothes out airflow
    More efficient: less CO and maybe a little more power.

    Thank you said by: Eugene Klimenko

  • Re: Oil tank below engine

    by » 6 years ago

    This is best I can think of right now
    IMG_1644.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)

  • Re: Oil tank below engine

    by » 6 years ago

    Check this proven CKT exhaust system out, it is used on the Searey and I just saw a Aircam with this system on it at Lockwood Aviation.

    Thank you said by: Eugene Klimenko

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