

  • Re: Exhaust for ULS

    by » 6 years ago

    So far for every question about my airplane I usually get 3 different answers. And I need with my Russian brain to decide which one is best. So question about exhaust system was not any different.

    I talked to Lockwood this morning and looks like they don't support their mufflers at all. Muffler is hanging down on 4 pipes only. They think it's the best way and they have very good results with it.

    So, I have three different options: support muffler with rubber lord mounts, make it rigid, or don't support at all!

    Maybe I should go ask my wife which option to choose. Maybe she knows....
    Ok, she thinks that install muffler on top of the engine was mistake on Interplane part. Very big vertical distance from engine mounts make big movements side-to-side on engine start/stop.

    Mistake #2 was to mount oil cooler on to this muffler. So, this relatively heavy combination is sitting on rubber mounts on very top and trying to brake loose!

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  • Re: Exhaust for ULS

    by » 6 years ago

    You are on the right track, Eugene, with your attention on the vibration and perfecting the exhaust system. A friend of mine has a similar aircraft and has struggled with parts and pieces coming off the motor due to vibration which caused a lot of expensive propellor damage and down time. I also had a tail pipe come off my Remos GX which uses CKT's exhaust. The tail pipe fell off at a weld and burned the fire wall and side of fuselage that led to a year of down time. Due to Remos having financial problems I had to try and find exhaust muffler springs and went with a slightly stronger springs (which were continually breaking) immediately led to muffler cracks and probably led to the tail pipe falling off. After getting the exact replacement springs from Remos including a new muffler the exhaust problems are gone for now. I was was amazed at how even springs and tension is so critical to the performance of the exhaust.

    Thank you said by: Eugene Klimenko

  • Re: Exhaust for ULS

    by » 6 years ago

    In order to fabricate engine cowling I need to relocate muffler and oil cooler. I listen to different people and made the conclusion that muffler position behind the engine, just like on this picture, is the best compromise.

    I was told this:

    #1 - muffler on top of the engine with oil cooler present a lot of drag. It is sitting in clean the air stream and disturbing airflow into propeller.

    #2 - muffler with oil cooler on top is relatively heavy combination and sitting on 4 long pipes above the engine = creates a lot of stress on joints and overtime lead to some cracks.

    #3 - I talked to propeller manufacturer and they don't see any issues with hot exhaust to be even 2 inches away from propeller. I was told that over time I will see maybe some discoloration on propeller blades, but it will not effect Life expectancy at all.

    #4 - muffler behind the engine Will be sitting inside of aerodynamic shade. It will not create additional drag and it will not reduce propeller efficiency, because air behind engine Is very much disturbed already, very much like airflow behind fuselage of this airplane.

    #5 - with a lot of effort muffler can be possibly installed in front of engine and right behind the oil tank. Muffler will need to be insulated in that case and that will cut dramatically life expectancy of this unit. If you choose not to insulate muffler, then diverter needs to be made to redirect hot airflow away from engine. On pushers where engine is seating much higher - there is possibility to divert air right down below. But on this airplane I have a baggage compartment below.

    #6 - I agree that BRS box is big and bulky. But it is already installed directly on to airframe and cannot get any lower. Maybe I can convert this unit in to soft pack and this way it will get much more compact. I have to do my homework about that.

    #7 - oil cooler will be installed right behind water cooler and I was told that this is best location for it.

    So, this is what I know so far
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  • Re: Exhaust for ULS

    by » 6 years ago

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  • Re: Exhaust for ULS

    by » 6 years ago

    Eugene, have you thought about just using straight pipes into a collector? Watch this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl2irPzbIcM

    Thank you said by: Eugene Klimenko

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