

I noticed that my hourmeter is not working. I removed it and connected straight to the battery and it works. It appears I am not getting power to the voltage regulator mounted under the dash. I traced the wiring back and it is going into the engine. I have looked at the wiring schemes Ive found but it is not clear to me where would be the next place to test for voltage. Any tips are appreciated.
  • Re: vdo hourmeter not working

    by » 6 years ago

    The Hour (Hobbs) meter is typically connected to the Power (12v) Bus and grounded through a pressure switch on the Oil Pump.
    You only have Oil Pressure when the engine is running so the Hobbs Meter records Engine Run Time.
    You will typically have 12v on the meter whenever the Master switch is ON.
    The meter will not run until the Oil Pressure switch closes and supplies the ground to complete the circuit.

    Disconnect the wire at the Oil Pump and touch it to ground.
    If the Hobbs starts running, the Oil Pressure switch has a problem.

    Bill Hertzel
    Rotax 912is
    North Ridgeville, OH, USA
    Clicking the "Thank You" is Always Appreciated by Everyone.

    Thank you said by: Chris ANDERSON

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