912 UL Ignition coils
Hello to every one!
Need your help guys! I got an older 912 UL with barely 450 hours. Decided to do a preventive inspection and cleaning of connectors and goodness I wish never touch it but to late. I removed both CDI's and also disconnected all ground cables from the ignition coils, so far so good, after cleaned the grounding connectors and the power connector from Ignition coils and CDI's, grease it with Di-Electric, put back, My knightmare start when I noticed that one cdi is not working: I removed everything back, re-checked that all connectors are all the way in and connected where are suppose to be, but 2 times later same issue. Because CDI's are same, I tested and removed it from my bad stuff list; Proceed with the power to the CDI's, power present, scratched from the list, I trouble shoot the Ignition coils, and find out that the ignition coils for the top CDI are working but when I tested the coils for the bottom one, that is where I found the problem.
The only thing I did was to removed it, cleaned it, put Di-Electric grease and my worst headache show up. What I did wrong for those Ignition coils not work?
For the 4th time, I removed the grounding cables from the ignition coils are failing, did continuity test on cables but that it, I do not know if they are any troubleshooting procedure for the ignition coils to see if they are working or failing, but please, any suggestion are more than welcome.
God bless my fellow pilots.
Pastor Luis