

Hello, I have a questiom a few month ago I bought the replacement for my bing 54, so I do the order just right with the table of indication of rotax.
Now Iam, dissambly my bing and I found that I have a Jet needle number 11, Iddle Jet number 55, needle jet 2.72, and a main jet 165.

So when open my order, I found that I have a Jet needle 11g2, needle jer 2.68, and I conserv main jet 165, iddle jet 55.

that can happen.
  • Re: replace Neddle jet

    by » 12 years ago

    Are you sure you have looked up the correct specification for you engine....there are 2....and engine with an intake silencer and an engine without an intake silencer,

    Which engine have you and what carb set-up have you....also with or without intake silencer...and are you at sea level.


  • Re: replace Neddle jet

    by » 12 years ago

    Nick, thank for your response I check the specication in this pagehttp://www.lockwood.aero/c-31-carburetors.aspx.

    And I dont have silencer intake, I have the air filter that oval dual.

  • Re: replace Neddle jet

    by » 12 years ago

    If you look in the Rotax parts catalog which I think you can download free on the website goto page 9.3.1-7 you will find a very detailed jetting chat there.

    Which engine do you have and what alt is your airfield.


  • Re: replace Neddle jet

    by » 12 years ago

    Nick, Icant find the page that you said
    I have a 582 blue head, Im From Argentina

  • Re: replace Neddle jet

    by » 12 years ago

    Its under support on this site...here is the link,


    Its the parts manual you need to look at...that where you will find the jet sizes...look in section 9 under accessories....the chart doesn't give attitude correction,

    But be very careful you dont fit the wrong jets...with a 2 stroke this can lead to engine seizures due weak mixtures.


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