

Anyone know where to get a printable inspection checklist for this inspection ?

I am new on here so just thought i would ask, can research it later if needed.


  • Re: Annual, 100 hour, Condition Inspection check list.

    by » 2 years ago

    Hi Dennis

    Great question.  Simply download the current maintenance manual line, MML, from www.flyrotax.com and look at technical documents.  Find your engine type and look for the latest.  Be aware that each engine type has its own.  In that manual there is a complete listing that shows the links to how to do the work and even has a space beside it to initial each step as you go.  Since it is a PDF format just select the pages you need when you print and then you have the checklist.  

    I did just the first page as an example...the full list for a 912 currently is 8 pages.  You should have the balance of the manual handy as it is needed to understand the checklist references. 


    37259_2_912 first page inspection list.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)

    Thank you said by: Dennis Roche

  • Re: Annual, 100 hour, Condition Inspection check list.

    by » 2 years ago

    You can access the line maintenance manual, including the inspection checklist, for download at this link: https://www.rotax-owner.com/pdf/MML_912-Series_Ed4-Rev1.pdf

    Furthermore, it is strongly recommended that you participate in a Rotax service and maintenance course. This will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how the engine operates and how to effectively maintain it. Information regarding the Rotax training course is available through the following link: https://www.rotax-owner.com/en/education-5/rotax-training

    For Rotax training in North America, you can visit RFSC at https://rotaxflyingclub.com/.


    Thank you said by: Rotax Wizard, Dennis Roche

  • Re: Annual, 100 hour, Condition Inspection check list.

    by » 2 years ago

    Thanks guys for the quick replies. I started looking through Chapter 5 in the 912 MML the other night but got too tired. I remember now looking through there before. Great how each engine has its own inspection info.

    I am a A&P /  IA and the wife and i drove from Indiana to Florida for a mini vacation in Daytona and attended the classes at Lockwood Aviation and got my certificate’s to work on the Rotax.

    I am looking to buy a LSA with a 912 Rotax, i just sold my J3 Cub so wanted to get some Rotax Training. Have been interested in the Rotax 4 stroke engine for a long time.

    Been so busy haven’t had much time for research but things are slowing down now so plenty of time. Thanks again for the input. I just now signed up on this site, so far looks like great information. 


  • Re: Annual, 100 hour, Condition Inspection check list.

    by » 2 years ago

    Since day one as a mechanic I print out the Rotax annual checklist and the fuselage checklist for each plane. I fill them out as I go and annotate anything I touch, tweak, torque or change and give those to the owner along with a discrepancy list.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: Annual, 100 hour, Condition Inspection check list.

    by » 2 years ago

    Since I fly about 125 hours per year I have a dilemma: My airframe condition inspection comes up once per year, but the Rotax 100 hour inspection comes up sooner than one year on random dates. To keep my Rotax warranty valid I do the 100 hr inspections as they come up. But when the annual airframe inspection comes up I find the annual checklist asking me to do quite a few things I may have just recently done on the Rotax 100 hr inspection. I am curious how other Rotax owners who fly more than 100 hour/year deal with this?

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