

The point has been made here and elsewhere that during the required or recommended gearbox inspections it's often wise to replace some parts proactively .... on the ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure theory .... a stance I often buy.

So we've got a gearbox inspection due or overdue on a 912 (10+ years old ... approx 800 hours).
It's one with no clutch.

The guy we're probably going to have do our inspection although a skilled experienced A&P isn't a regular Rotax mechanic (we don't have a a very experience Rotax guy or shop close tous) he has in the past completely rebuilt a badly damaged 912 gearbox... and reason to believe he's qualified.
But, unlike an active Rotax shop, he's not going to have any Rotax parts on the shelf.

So my question is what parts would it might make sense to pre-order ?
What I want to avoid if possible a scenario where my plane sits with gearbox open at the A&P hanger for weeks waiting for a $40 part.

Anyone willing to take a crack at making a probable proactive replacement parts list (the ones we're likely to use proactively regardless of the part condition)?
In order of likelyhood/value of replacing, or in order of cost?

And maybe a separate list of parts we MIGHT need?

Some plastic washers? bearings? ?????

Wouldn't mind ordering more parts than we end up needing .... (after all can stock 'em or return them.)

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