On a recent cross-country flight in an RV-12 ( Skyview installation), the voltmeter started spiking between 14.4 volts and 15.8 volts. I Landed as soon as possible. Lockwood Aviation tech support thought it was either the regulator/rectifier or perhaps the R, B+ or C wire. I was carrying an extra regulator/rectifier due to their notorious reputation. When I inspected the old regulator and the connectors, there were no signs of overheating. Nevertheless, I replaced it with the new one. It appeared to work on the ground. When I took off again, it worked for about 1 hour and then started spiking again.
From other things I have read, I suspect that the C wire is not seating properly and when I connected the new regulator, it seated temporarily but become loose again in flight.
I would appreciate any comments on this. We have not been able to get back out to the aircraft to check this connector.
Also, I am trying to figure out exactly what the C connector does. The other four I was able to trace on the schematic, however, the C wire appears to get connected to the Skyview, but I cannot tell what its function is.
Thanks for any comments.