

I could be wrong, but I noticed what might be errors or might need clarification in the latest install manual.

Wiring diagram - HIC connector Lane B fuel pump switch is labeled A, like the other connector. Should it be "B"? Which is the preferred main fuel pump and which is the Auxxilliary? Does it matter?

Wiring diagram - Aircraft load circuit. It is showing ground to EMS ground. Shouldn't that be airframe ground?

Pin diagram for plug X3 section 76-0-0 pager 8 - It shows 3 pins. Pin 3 position is obvious but for pins 1 and 2 we need to know if we are looking from the front or back of the plug. I.e. plug insertion face or pin insertion view(back of plug) which is it or are pinholes numbered?

The same comment applies to the HIC connectors, are the PIN numbers engraved into the connector? If not, are the pin position diagrams from the front or back of which connectors?? If this is not specified it is possible to totally mix up pin positions.

Also, is it possible to configure a warning light (eg:blue lamp) when the Auxxilliary fuel pump is activated?
  • Re: Errors In Installation Manual?

    by » 8 years ago

    this is the drawing on Ch 24-00-00 page 28?
    You are correct:
    -HIC B fuel pump switch should be labeled B
    - Aircraft load circuit. Should be airframe ground.

    X3 view is looking at the front of the harness connector. The numbers are imprinted in both the front and back of the connector and the receptacle. that's the easy one.

    The HIC connectors are harder: The view on CH 24-00-00 page 28 is also from the front but the imprinted numbers are on the back but only the four corner numbers are imprinted on the connector. see photo

    I think it would be OK to install a LED warn light for the aux fuel pump. wire it into the fuel pump connector/wire harness, not the HIC wiring. I will check to see if this is a problem and get back to you if it is.
    HICnumbering.JPG (You do not have access to download this file.)

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