

  • Re: Lithium batteries in 912iS

    by » 3 years ago

    deleted, point already made

  • Re: Lithium batteries in 912iS

    by » 2 years ago

    Thanks for reciting the earthx promotional  literature for us. ..." integrated" ...? ...ALL BMS's are " integrated" ...is there such a thing as a 'non integrated BMS...? , no., so, that point means nada..

    Limits the over charge voltage./ current ?... then why does Ex mandate this ?,' EarthX requires having automatic over-voltage protection (crowbar) for alternator type charging systems.

    If the voltage keeps rising, you can believe, the current will keep flowing, and the hotter it gets, the less resistance there is.

    As stated in manual " default is to let charge current flow to battery " , " ensuring no disconnects..

    What about the LV DIsconnect at 11.0V ? cutting off early like that limits flight time in an emergency...?

    Of course, the battery could have NO BMS inside and you wouldnt know the difference anyhow if all things work fine ,, which they do 97% of the time anyway.

    Its almost as if people think Ex is the only battery that has a BMS inside.


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