

I have a 915 with a 7" G3X Touch using the GEA 24 for engine management. Unfortunately, on the EIS strip when the PFD inset is up there is very limited room (6 total) for the EIS fields on the 7" (i.e. on Map page). I can switch to the engine page, or on PFD page I can view more gauges (10 total).

Here's an example of the size issue for the 7" G3X Touch.

There's room for 6 gauges on the limited EIS. What are the most important gauges to be monitoring all the time easily? In all cases if anything drops into yellow or red that isn't one of these fields I can have it pop an annunciator to check the engine page.

Manifold (required as I run an Airmaster constant speed)
RPM (required as I run an Airmaster constant speed)

I then have room for 4 more? Should I do Power to monitor ECO? Oil Pressure? Manifold Temperature? Oil Temperature? CHT? Fuel Gauge? EGT?

Instead of the Fuel Gauge I can place the Fuel Remaining from the totalizer in one of the 2 Datafields available on the top to free up room and count on the Fuel Annunciator if I get critically low and forgot to reset the totalizer.

  • Re: Most Important Sensor to Monitor

    by » one year ago

    Hi Gary,

    The attached page shows the US requirements for standard category aircraft, probably not a bad place to start.

    I’d certainly monitor tach, MAP,  oil press, oil temp, fuel quantity and “Power” then use the pop up alerts for coolant, EGT, etc.


    38410_2_IMG_2250.png (You do not have access to download this file.)

  • Re: Most Important Sensor to Monitor

    by » one year ago

    @Des that makes sense for the VFR requirements as a good recommendation to start from. They'd all be monitored and viewable on the EIS page, but It's a bit of a grey area if they are always required to be visible at all times (an example it's arguably ok to have fuel gauge only on the EIS page as long as there is an annunciator to warn you).

    Thank you said by: Des Howson

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