

Hi All,

If you would like to have a personal signature to your post here is the way. Your signature can have just about anything.
i.e. name, location, mechanic credentials, phone number contacts

Go up on the right and click "User Profile".
Then back to the left side of the page and click on "Edit and up date profile".
Click on "Forum" and then look at profile signature. Type in what you want and click on update and your done.

This is strictly optional, but it's nice to know who and where. Makes our little group a little more personable. It can also let people know if you are Rotax mechanic and where and how to find you if they need maintenance.

Roger Lee
LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: Personal ID for your post

    by » 14 years ago

    All we need now is to be able to add an avatar, work out what gender we are and gain an explanation of karmar and it will be like a grown up forum :evil: :woohoo: :whistle:


  • Re: Personal ID for your post

    by » 14 years ago

    Hi John,

    Agreed. It would be nice to also have at the bottom or top who is on line so we can either send a PM to them or talk to them right there and then. I think the admin is a little worried about privacy, but most all websites have that feature and it doesn't seem to be a problem. Actually it is kind of nice. Usually you have a feature in your personal setup to show who you are or hide yourself. Plus you have the ability to see everyone anyway you just have to go on all the threads and see who's there on line so it already displays everyone. It's a pain that way to see who's on line where it could be just a list in one corner.

    Hi Admin,

    We are saying this with a smile. :)

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

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