

Greetings to all, I am new to this forum but not new to Rotax engines. I had an RV12 and now fly a Highlander with a 912ULS. The engine has 320 hours of what I would describe as extreme duty, averaging 4-5 off-airport landings (and full power cycles) per hour.

I have a vibration issue that started some time ago and has been getting worse. The vibration is not ordinarily present on ground run ups but begins after flying for about 5 minutes (after engine is fully warmed up?) It is very noticeable between 3000 and 5400 rpm and is worse is I yaw the plane back and forth. If I pull power and go below 3000rpm, the vibration stops, even if I maintain airspeed. At around 5400rpm, I can turn the vibration off and on by changing rpm. IOW, at 5390, vibration, at 5420, no vibration.

Gearbox situation: I sent the gearbox out and it was re-shimmed and they adjusted the clutch. No change in vibration issue.

Propeller situation: I have a three blade warp drive that I have used since first flight, it has been checked for consistent pitch and dynamically balanced. I recently installed a Prince propeller, had it dynamically balanced, and have exactly the same vibration problem as with the warp drive.

Engine Maintenance: I do 50 hour oil and filter changes and follow the current Rotax maintenance manual inspection checklist very carefully. At around 100 hours I found a small metal chip on the magnetic plug, nothing but the normal amount of dust since then. Carbs were balanced and checked for float buoyancy at the annual C.I., April, 2015. There are no mods to the engine, I use nothing but the recommended spark plugs, oil, filters.

I push the engine pretty hard but take good care of it. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Thanks, Gary

Big Bear Lake, CA
  • Re: Vibration on 912ULS

    by » 10 years ago

    Hi Gary,

    320 hrs, how many years old is it?

    Are you sure it is an engine issue since yaw affects it and not an airframe issue? I have seen this several times when people swore it was the engine.

    Possible causes if it is the engine:

    Next time you fly run the rpm down to 4000 and do an in air mag check when it is vibrating,

    Engine mounts need tightening or replacement,

    air leak you haven't found (check the carb sockets) Note** you can use a can or starting fluid and carefully spray around areas like the sockets and air intakes. Try and move the carbs with your hands as you spray in case there is a crack you can't see. If you have a leak and the leak sucks the fluid in the rpm will pick up.

    When you did a carb sync did you check it at higher rpms like 3500-4000?

    Since you have addressed the gearbox and prop and they changed nothing good or bad you could leave those alone for now.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: Vibration on 912ULS

    by » 10 years ago

    The engine was purchased new in fall of 2012.

    I have been looking hard for an airframe issue, even mounted my video camera all over to look at it in flight, no luck. When I go below 3000rpm or I shut the engine off in the air, all vibration stops, even when I point the nose down and keep the airspeed up.

    I do the carb sync at 4000 rpm, and when it's finished, I leave the carb-mate hooked up and run it through the whole range to make sure it doesn't have any ranges where it goes way off.

    I was wondering about the engine mounts, the bolts are tight, but maybe I'll replace the rubber.

    I'll check for intake system leaks and do an inflight mag check. vacuum leak is a good thing to check, particularly since this vibration comes on when the engine is fully warmed up.

    Thanks, Gary

    I thought I posted this under the 912 heading, whoops

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