

  • Re: New carb socket fits loose

    by » 3 weeks ago

    Jim Isaacs wrote:

    Aha so we have progress. Time to go to Rotax and ask for assistance. Lockwood is close to you I believe. 

    I'm talking with Dean there already 🙂

    Rotax iRMT Service/Maintenance
    RV-12 SLSA Owner

  • Re: New carb socket fits loose

    by » 3 weeks ago

    I stand to be corrected;

    The spacer in question was introduced many years ago, to prevent over tightening (by overly enthusiastic service persons, both professional & amature).

    It is not unusual for changes in manufacturing technique/supplier, to result in unintended product variation.

    At this point, the service person/installer must make a judgement call - return the item as defective (hope that the replacement will fit better) or make a small modification (reduce the spacer length), substitution (swap the new spacer for the old or make a new  spacer 1 mm shorter).

    This obsessive adherence to the manufactures service manual, is self defeating/crazy.

    It is not possible for RV (or any aircraft manufacturer) to cover every potential minor problem confronting the service mechanic.

    At some stage good judgement, possibly after consulting widely (Forum/Rotax Service centre) must be brought to bear.

    If unwilling to "take the risk"  - engage the services of a qualified aircraft mechanic (he/she will make the judgement call)

  • Re: New carb socket fits loose

    by » 3 weeks ago

    Sean Griffin wrote:

    I stand to be corrected;

    The spacer in question was introduced many years ago, to prevent over tightening (by overly enthusiastic service persons, both professional & amature).

    It is not unusual for changes in manufacturing technique/supplier, to result in unintended product variation.

    At this point, the service person/installer must make a judgement call - return the item as defective (hope that the replacement will fit better) or make a small modification (reduce the spacer length), substitution (swap the new spacer for the old or make a new  spacer 1 mm shorter).

    This obsessive adherence to the manufactures service manual, is self defeating/crazy.

    It is not possible for RV (or any aircraft manufacturer) to cover every potential minor problem confronting the service mechanic.

    At some stage good judgement, possibly after consulting widely (Forum/Rotax Service centre) must be brought to bear.

    If unwilling to "take the risk"  - engage the services of a qualified aircraft mechanic (he/she will make the judgement call)

    Would you please clarify whether your argument is that you think I should break the law, or whether you think the interpretation I posted earlier in this thread is incorrect and that this action would not actually be breaking the law, and if the latter, what your reasoning is?

    I am a qualified light sport repairman with maintenance and airplane ratings. Also it does me no good to have someone else do this modification because I am still intending to sign off on my own condition inspection as I am qualified to do. I would not be able to do that in good conscience, knowing full well that an illegal modification had been done. I am obligated to return the airplane to its stock state without modifications, or else I've then taken on all of the culpability that I would be attempting to place on another mechanic.

    I think this issue of legality should be taken more seriously because there are real consequences to this sort of deviation. I like to imagine I am in front of a jury explaining what I did and why. Would I be able to justify what I've done and be completely blameless, or not? If a lawyer were questioning me on the stand and asks me, what makes me qualified to make the decision to modify this part from what the manufacturer decided? Am I am expert in engine design? I believe that I would get roasted. I prefer to keep my work completely by the book. This is my decision. You can do whatever you want in your work on airplanes, and face the consequences of your own decisions. But I've been very clear about my decision here- I'm working by the book.

    Please stop telling me the same thing over and over, I'm not going to trim the spacer. It's not an option I'm going to take seriously, even though it is clear that it would solve my immediate problem. I am pursuing the root cause. Something is wrong here, and I want to know what that thing is and correct it. That is what I would like to be doing in this thread- figuring out the root cause.

    Rotax iRMT Service/Maintenance
    RV-12 SLSA Owner

  • Re: New carb socket fits loose

    by » 3 weeks ago

    I am absolutely astounded at the pedantic lack of common sense shown here. This thread has turned into nothing but a comedy.

  • Re: New carb socket fits loose

    by » 3 weeks ago

    James Ott wrote:

    I am absolutely astounded at the pedantic lack of common sense shown here. This thread has turned into nothing but a comedy.

    Why do you feel that it is common sense to trim the spacer? I've offered specific reasons why I am opposed to doing it. You could offer specific reasons why you feel that I'm being [overly] pedantic.

    Rotax iRMT Service/Maintenance
    RV-12 SLSA Owner

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