

This is concerning a 912-ULS

In the manuals, where does it state the requirement, all rubber engine components must be changed out every 5-years?

Is there anywhere I can get a list of a the components requiring change-out?
  • Re: Required 5-Year Rubber Component Replacement ???

    by » 13 years ago

    Hi Jack,

    Here you go. I've done about 20 so far this year and next year will be even more. From what I have seen this year I highly recommend it plus any air ducting and engine mounts. It isn't that tough to do. I have a list of parts and most would apply, but the hose lengths may vary due to the many types of installations. You would need to measure all your coolant, oil and fuel line lengths to get an idea. Squeezing a hose to see if it is soft is absolutely no indication of what condition it is in especially on the interior. That only tells you if the hose is not hard.

    Safety note: (My own opinion)
    I know just the Flight Design CT's there has to be at least 150-200 to do from 2006 and through 2007. The SLSA industry will require it since most of the aircraft Mfg say to follow the Rotax manual, then you are locked in. If you have an experimental then you aren't required, but it would be highly advisable. I did my own plane this year in May. I look at it this way; If you own a plane you automatically signed on for the cost and safety liability issues. The money part hurts sometimes, but is necessary to keep me and any passenger safe. If I hurt a passenger or kill them they will wipe my family out financially and if a lawyer looks at your records which they and the FAA will do and you failed to follow the engine Mfg's recommendations then you are even deeper in that hole. There are a lot of aircraft that go down every year and the large majority is traced back to either no maint., poor maint or bad pilot decisions. Don't be a victim, be proactive and stay ahead of issues. It usually cost people that neglect maint. more money or injury in the long run.
    5YearRotaxReplacementrequirement.pdf (You do not have access to download this file.)

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: Required 5-Year Rubber Component Replacement ???

    by » 12 years ago

    Is the 5 year Rubber Component Replacement based on time since engine was placed in service or age of engine since purchase? It took a little longer to great into the air than I thought it would.

  • Re: Required 5-Year Rubber Component Replacement ???

    by » 12 years ago


    My understanding is that rubber replacement is five years from time since new and does not relate to engine hours.


  • Re: Required 5-Year Rubber Component Replacement ???

    by » 12 years ago

    Bill is correct. From new. If you purchased a engine and let it sit the clock was ticking. Hoses dry out and get brittle over time. Areas around the fittings will crack and not always on the outside. I have done 21 hose changes now. Some hoses may have been just fine, but there was some that it was definitely time and that was enough for me after seeing these. I did my own hose change last May 2011.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: Required 5-Year Rubber Component Replacement ???

    by » 12 years ago

    The Rotax 17mm hose is available for £3.75 + VAT from car spares shops.( http://www.cbsonline.co.uk/ ) It is Gates hose, the same as Rotax use, so no problems there. That means it will cost less than £15 to change the top and bottom hoses and it takes about 30 mins. Its a no brainer every 5 years.


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