

Does alternating current ever slip through a Ducati rectifier/regulator, even for just a pulse or two? If so, can that AC knock an avionics component offline without permanently destroying the component? I ask because my plane's air data computer and GPS have failed in flight, for the duration of that flight; but they come back online after I shut down and restart the plane's 912ULS (while on the ground). In the past, the Ducati in my plane completely failed and had to be replaced. I'm wondering whether now the Ducati hasn't completely failed, but is allowing AC to slip through.

  • Re: Does alternating current ever slip through a Ducati?

    by » 4 years ago

    The short answer is NO!
    I can not imagine any failure that would allow a couple of AC Cycles to bypass the diodes and rectifier and then fix itself.

    This would be equivalent of claiming that the engine threw a connecting rod that punched a hole in the crankcase and then reattached itself to the crankshaft and continued running.  It might happen in the movies, but not in real life.
    - - -
    It is more likely you had a voltage dropout (Loose wire???) that caused the computers to drop out but not auto-reset.
    If it ever happens again,  try cycling the power (Avionics/Master Switch) to the failed devices for 3 seconds.
    That should force the restart of the devices and restore operation.

    Bill Hertzel
    Rotax 912is
    North Ridgeville, OH, USA
    Clicking the "Thank You" is Always Appreciated by Everyone.

    Thank you said by: Lionel Sobel

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