

Hi folks,

It's time to replace the exhaust in my 912ULS and doing some research I found this website that sold it for a quite competitive price: http://www.rotax912exhaust.com/en/

Anyone here using them and able to provide some feedback?

Another question: I've seen a lot of exhausts using springs whilst mine uses screws/bolts (with flexible tube). Any opinion on what works best or advantages/disadvantages of one option over another?

Thank you very much,


  • Re: Replace exhaust on 912ULS

    by » 3 years ago

    I am needing exhaust for my Rotax also . I seen their web site and like the look of their product . However , I sent them a message and have not yet heard back . Is there any other good sources for exhaust systems for the Rotax . 

  • Re: Replace exhaust on 912ULS

    by » 3 years ago

    We ended-up not buying a new but repairing the existing one instead. We found that the kind of repair is exactly the same applied to car/bike exhausts and there're shops specialised in this kind of repairs. Clearly the cheapest option in case it applies. In our case they did a full muffler cut to reach the breach, then repaired it and closed it again. All these for less than $50 and flying silently since then ;-)



  • Re: Replace exhaust on 912ULS

    by » one month ago

    I've broken the number two cylinder exhaust flex while trying to make room to remove the oil filter on my 2004 912uls. My exhaust is bolted together without springs. Does the new part fit or am I likely to have to replace the entire exhaust system?

  • Re: Replace exhaust on 912ULS

    by » one month ago

    HI Phillip

    no springs?  sounds like you do not have a factory exhaust.  I have never seen a "flex" on any Rotax exhaust system so I would assume you have a system made by the aircraft builder  or OEM and not the original part from Rotax.  In that case there would be no way to predict what may happen.  


  • Re: Replace exhaust on 912ULS

    by » one month ago

    If I have to replace the whole system then I may be looking for options. I tried to contact Bert Flood, our Australian distributor but they are closed until the new year. That gives me time for a bit of research.




    This stainless steel system looks like an option?

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