

  • Re: Fuel Pressure alarm

    by » 10 years ago

    Sure would like to get some direction here!

  • Re: Fuel Pressure alarm

    by » 10 years ago

    looking into it...

  • Re: Fuel Pressure alarm

    by » 10 years ago

    I received some info from the factory: Every pump is bench tested before delivery. The pumps that have been sent back for low pressure have tested fine so there is a difference between a bench test and all the various types of installations. We need to work together to provide information so this problem can be resolved.

    What type of aircraft are having the problem?

    Does the fuel system use the Rotax fuel return restrictor? (Pilot jet 35)

  • Re: Fuel Pressure alarm

    by » 10 years ago

    Thanks Rob for looking into this. I agree we need to work together to get this solved; it may be an irritation not worth worrying about, or it could be a very serious problem waiting to happen.

    To answer your questions:
    -- My aircraft is a Kitfox Super sport, built in 2011-2013. The other two aircraft in my area that I refer to as having similar issues are also Kitfox Super sports built about a year later than mine. We all have the Rotax 912ULS engine with nearly identical fuel systems.

    -- We all use the Rotax fuel return restrictor #35.

  • Re: Fuel Pressure alarm

    by » 10 years ago

    Still waiting for some answers from the gurus, but in the meantime I did another flight test. At WOT climbout when the fuel pressure went down to about 1.6 psi I slowly started closing off my fuel valve and watched the pressure drop further. The engine didn't start to miss or react in any way until I had the pressure down to 0.3-0.4 psi. I guess this shows the engine will continue to run at full power down to a much lower fuel pressure than the Rotax minimum of 2.2 psi.


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