


I only ever operated a 503 prior to buying an Avid Flyer with the 582. In the 503 I always mixed fuel/oil 50-1 and did the same with the 582. Now I find out that the 582 has oil well and auto mixes oil. I cant believe the seller never told me this (among other things), but I suppose I gotta take the blame for being in to much of a hurry to fly it. Anyway, the question I have is this:

Can the extra oil ingested by the engine do any harm?

And what do I gotta do to start the now oil drunk engine?

I have removed the 4 plugs under the engine and about a cup of fuel drained out, and put it back together, but still wont start.

Any ideas appreciated greatly. (sorry, don't know alot about engines)

  • Re: 582 wont start

    by » 14 years ago

    Hi Mike

    The inverted 2-strokes do flood easily, especially after standing for some time (the fuel oil in the cylinders drains down into the plugs.
    Your oil rich mixture won't have done any damage, just oiled up the plugs.

    I would drain all your fuel out of everywhere, which you have probably done, then I would change the plugs and try again. You could wash out the ones you have but I would go for new ones, then you've got a starting point of knowing that part is working ok.

    Remember, with any choke applied, the throttle must be closed fully for starting.

    Failing that, re tune the Carbys (adjust the idle/idle mixture/cables etc to the proper settings).

    It is also worth having the BING CARBURETORS AIRCRAFT TUNING & PARTS MANUAL. It tells you how to do all the tuning etc and trouble shooting. It comes from Bing Agency International, L.L.C. Email: bing@bingcarburetor.com
    Web: www.bingcarburetor.com

    Only about $10 or so and a must if you hav'nt already got it.


    Perth WA

  • Re: 582 wont start

    by » 14 years ago


    Stuart is right, the extra oil won't hurt the engine at all. With an inverted engine, oil fouling of plugs is not uncommon. You could drain the gas tank and have a big supply of weedeater gas. That's what I would do. you could even put it back in the tank a little at a time rather than waste it. Oil injection is great for inverted engines because at idle, there is very little oil in the fuel/oil mix and you won't have all the smoke when warming up the engine. You also have no oil fouling in the carbs with oil injection since the oil never goes through the carb.

    Change the gas, clean or change the plugs, and it should go.


  • Re: 582 wont start

    by » 14 years ago

    Thanks Stew and Bill.

    I took your advice and cleaned all the fuel out of the tanks but not the fuel lines. Cleaned up the old plugs and charged the battery ( cause I flattened it) Next day I took off the cowling and allowed the sun to warm up the engine for 4 hours, and she started on the 3rd try.

    What I dont like about this engine is when starting it, as soon as it "kicks", if you let go the ignition key as one normally does, the sucker stops. You gotta keep the key turned to keep it "kicking" several times before you can let go the key. I would thing that might damage the ignition system dont you? Or is this normal for starting 582 Rotax engines? I ask because each time you start it like this, it helps to flatten the battery. When I had the Karatoo with the soob EA81 engine...it was like a 2 second ignition period, as apposed tho about a 15 second period with the 582. Ans sometimes it might take 3 or 4 sessions of this process before it finally starts. Its a worry :(

    appreciate you guys help


  • Re: 582 wont start

    by » 14 years ago

    Flew the Avid yesterday for the first time since last post (been rained in here) and all seemed to go well basically, except for a few little annoying things.
    1/ The left mag drop was excessive (about 400rpm more than recommended). Would this be faulty mag...or something in the engine causing it?
    2/ The throttle setting, in straight and level configuration, will not remain constant. Moving from say 5900rpm back to 5400rpm, and if left alone for a minute or so, might come back to 5700-5800. Seems to have a mind of its own. Wondering if its the sick mag causing it.
    3/ Fuel consumption seemed a bit high at 20 liters (4.5 gal) per hour @ 5800 rpm cruise. Is this normal? I used to get 10 liters per hour with a 503 I used to fly a few years ago. I know the HP is 15hp different, but double the cost seems a bit rich.


  • Re: 582 wont start

    by » 14 years ago

    Hi Mike,

    All these couple together makes me very suspicious of a fuel flow issue.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

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