582 wont start
I only ever operated a 503 prior to buying an Avid Flyer with the 582. In the 503 I always mixed fuel/oil 50-1 and did the same with the 582. Now I find out that the 582 has oil well and auto mixes oil. I cant believe the seller never told me this (among other things), but I suppose I gotta take the blame for being in to much of a hurry to fly it. Anyway, the question I have is this:
Can the extra oil ingested by the engine do any harm?
And what do I gotta do to start the now oil drunk engine?
I have removed the 4 plugs under the engine and about a cup of fuel drained out, and put it back together, but still wont start.
Any ideas appreciated greatly. (sorry, don't know alot about engines)