

EAA just published a set of quite good videos on Bing 64 operation.

The first one here: https://www.eaa.org/Videos/Hints-for-Homebuilders/Firewall-Forward/6307199188112


  • Re: FYI: Bing 64 Videos

    by » 3 years ago

    EEA doesn't share its videos with non members.

  • Re: FYI: Bing 64 Videos

    by » 3 years ago

    Sean Griffin wrote:

    EEA doesn't share its videos with non members.

    True, but EAA membership has a lot of other value as well.  If I could only belong to two orgs, it would be RotaxOwner and EAA.

  • Re: FYI: Bing 64 Videos

    by » 3 years ago

    Being a Rotax owner is an international condition.

    I have no doubt the EEA is a worthy organisation but seems (from my distant perspective) to be very much focused on USA matters. Thus limiting its usefulness to those living outside N America.

    The "Rotax Owner" forum is similarly an American based organisation but it's focus (Rotax engines) is applicable to all Rotax owners/interested parties.

    So I would respectfully suggest - if you reference articles/videos on this forum, you ensure that they are available to all members.

  • Re: FYI: Bing 64 Videos

    by » 3 years ago

    EAA membership is available to anyone in any country. Agee with you that many of their regulatory articles and advocacy efforts are USA-focused but that’s where the organization was founded.  But disagree with your inference that membership has no value for someone not living in the USA and admonishing folks to only post Rotax topics applicable to international users. A Bing carburetor does not know where on this planet it sits, it functions in the same manner regardless. Many other EAA technical tips, builder advice, and annual directories of experimental engines, propellers, and aircraft kits are geographically agnostic and in fact include manufacturers outside the USA. 

  • Re: FYI: Bing 64 Videos

    by » 3 years ago

    Hi Jim,

    I think you are taking artistic license in your interpretations of what I said.

    My  "very much focused on USA matters" is not much different to your "regulatory articles and advocacy efforts are USA-focused" .

    My "Thus limiting its usefulness to those living outside N America" does not say or "infer" "that membership has no value for someone not living in the USA" - I used the word limiting, meaning of reduced or diminished value - this is undeniable.

    I did not " admonishing folks" I "respectfully suggest"

    I stand by my suggestion and would now go further and admonish those that post limited access articles/web connections/video, on any Forum is inconsiderate of the Forum members (who are not also members of the limited entity).

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