

  • Re: New carb socket fits loose

    by » 3 months ago

    Hi Kelsie,

    Have you swapped the "Carburettor Socket Assembly"  (CSA) from one side to the other?

    If so, did the tight fit, move with the swop?

    # If it did it's definitely the CSA.

    # If it didnt, it's the carburettor itself (ie not the CSA).


  • Re: New carb socket fits loose

    by » 3 months ago

    I did not swap the socket, because it is loctited in place and I don't really want to mess with what isn't broken. But I did swap the carbs just to see how the 1/3 would fit in the 2/4 socket, and it was loose there. So it does seem to be the socket. 

    I called Lockwood yesterday, and they test fit a new socket for me, said it was so tight they couldn't turn it by hand on one of their carbs, and then sent it to me. So I think my immediate problem is about to be solved. However, I do think there is a manufacturing problem here, and I've been asked to file a report with Rotax about it. I'm going to be taking some video of the problem for Rotax, per Lockwood's request.

    Rotax iRMT Service/Maintenance
    RV-12 SLSA Owner

  • Re: New carb socket fits loose

    by » one month ago


    I just inserted my five year refreshed carbs into new sockets from Lockwood and both sides had a distinct click upon insertion and both are nice and snug. 

  • Re: New carb socket fits loose

    by » one month ago

    Thanks for the followup, Jim!

    I also received a new carb socket from Lockwood, one which they tested before sending it to me, and I still have the same issue once it is installed on the engine. I'm at a loss currently as to what might be causing this, but I no longer think it is the socket itself.

    Rotax iRMT Service/Maintenance
    RV-12 SLSA Owner

  • Re: New carb socket fits loose

    by » one month ago

    Well that is odd- it will be interesting to see how your engine idles and how your pneumatic synchronization goes- if the loose socket leaks air it will cause problems.

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