Hi Jonathan
I've been following your chat and have to say with all due respect(sincerly) this topic might be getting a little out of hand here. I noticed you edited your original post and dampened some of your comments to better repsect the rules of this forum, I thank you for that as I for one don't want to see it become a bouncing board for a lot of hearsay and gossip backed by profanity and overly agressive language. Nor do I like to see people calling out product defect before all the "facts" are known and ample time has been allowed for a proper anylisis to take place of the damaged parts by the appropriate parties ie; your Rotax Distributor and if required via them Rotax. I've been in your position on technical issues myself and more often then not have found a reasonable approach without agression will go a lot further and retain a lot more results then threatening language ever will!
Now, that said, and again with all due repsect, lets get back to the actual issue your dealing with itself. It seems to me at this point it has yet to be defined exactly, with all reasonable doubt removed, that in fact you are dealing with an actual product defect. As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts on the topic there are a lot of factors to consider. In any case, to get to the bottom of the problem(and ultimatly some reasonable resolution) Rotax has a very specific protocol which has been clearly outlined, one which I myself have used a few times always to a reasonable conclusion. Following the chat it appears to me the most recent CSIR that has been submitted on this topic is barley two week old. You have to allow some reasonavble time for a response to take place and as important you need to make an effort yourself to deal with the Rotax Distributor responsible for the territory you reside in.
All said, and again with all due respect, have you really exhausted all possible efforts to discuss your problem with the Austrailian Rotax Distributor? As well, has he had the opourtunity to examine the damaged parts and make a proper submission about same to Rotax themselves? I know for a fact Rotax is one of the best companies out there for goodwill warranty if they feel legitimatly there was a problem with the product or a premature failure. You only need go through the proper channels to effect it if your claims are legitimate. You need to make every reasonable effort possible to provide your responsible Rotax Distributor all the information including supposed defective parts to allow for a proper anylisis. It is this Distributors responsability to bring the issue to Rotax with all the facts to back it up. By submitting your CSIR the responsible parties have been informed, you need only to take the next steps in contacting your distributor and simply ask him how he is proceeding with your file, and as to what additional steps he might require from your side(ie; send him the suspect parts).
Try this out, give it a chance to work and I'm confident the system as designed will support you......good luck!