

Hi there. I bought some new carburetor sockets and replaced them as part of my 5-year rubber replacement. The socket for the 1/3 carb fits nice and snug when tightened down, and the carburetor feels secure. The 2/4 carb fits a bit more loosely than I'm comfortable with when tightened down. I'm debating replacing the new 2/4 socket again to see if I get one that fits tighter. I verified there is no grease/oil contaminating the mating surface and making it easier to clock the carb than it should be. Anyone got any advice other than just buying another new one and hoping I get one that fits better?

Rotax iRMT Heavy Maintenance
RV-12 SLSA Owner

  • Re: New carb socket fits loose

    by » 9 months ago

    Are these Rotax sockets or aftermarket? Are you sure you pushed it in all the way until you felt / heard a little snapping sound when it clicks into place? Some don’t push the carb far enough into the socket. I’ve never seen a bad / lose Rotax socket. 

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: New carb socket fits loose

    by » 9 months ago

    They are Rotax sockets, brand new from Advanced Powerplant Solutions (formerly LEAF). I am sure the carb is seated fully. 

    Rotax iRMT Heavy Maintenance
    RV-12 SLSA Owner

  • Re: New carb socket fits loose

    by » 8 months ago

    I purchased and installed another new carburetor socket part number 267789 from Advanced Powerplant Solutions (Formerly LEAF). The new new socket has the exact same issue as the previous new socket- the 2/4 carburetor is not fully snug in the socket, even when fully tightened down. I compared and swapped clamps, put a micrometer to the clamp spacers, etc. no differences. I measured the intake manifold side of the carburetors that fits in the sockets and both are the exact same size. I measured the socket openings and they measured to the same size. However, I did note that the 1/3 carburetor feels significantly more secure when I mount it, before even tightening the clamp. It just feels much more correct from the start. I ensured the carburetor and the socket are clean of grease, oil and dirt. I am at a loss what to do at this point. This is not okay.

    Rotax iRMT Heavy Maintenance
    RV-12 SLSA Owner

  • Re: New carb socket fits loose

    by » 8 months ago

    Hi Kelsie,

    Something here makes no sense. It’s hard to troubleshoot this since we aren’t there. I have seen carb sockets so tight you really need to apply some real pressure and tilt them back and forth to get them to snap in place. In replacing many hundreds of these I’ve never seen a lose one. When seated completely in place there is only about 1/4” from the socket edge and the carb just under the domed area. I have seen quite a few people that either couldn’t push it in far enough or didn’t know it must fit this far in. So the groove on the carb throat snaps onto the raised rubber protrusion in the rubber mount. Double check this gap.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: New carb socket fits loose

    by » 8 months ago

    Hi Roger, I appreciate your advice. Here are some pictures of the carburetor mounted in the socket, as well as the best photos I could get of the clamp tightened down. The carburetor looks well seated to me, and it looks the same as the 1/3 carb seating in the socket.

    39932_2_IMG_6443.jpeg (You do not have access to download this file.)
    39932_2_IMG_6445.jpeg (You do not have access to download this file.)
    39932_2_IMG_6444.jpeg (You do not have access to download this file.)
    39932_2_IMG_6447.jpeg (You do not have access to download this file.)

    Rotax iRMT Heavy Maintenance
    RV-12 SLSA Owner

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